Personal Injury
An accident can be potentially life-changing for anyone. Whether you were directly involved in the accident or you are a family member of a victim, these types of events bring about drastic life changes. At Rose Law, we understand that our clients could be struggling to get through the aftermath: expensive medical bills, property repairs, physical injuries, job loss, financial hardships, and more. No matter what your case involves, we are prepared to use our approximate 30 years of experience and knowledge handling personal injury claims to help you move forward with your life and maximize your recovery.

While insurance companies will inevitably offer a settlement that is lower than the amount to which you are entitled, you do not have to accept their lowball offer and settle for less than what you truly deserve. Rose Law will not only maximize your recovery from the At-Fault driver, but they will also take advantage of the personal injury and insurance laws to maximize the amount that goes into your pocket. Call us today.
Truck Accidents

Insurance Disputes

Rose Law represents clients who are in disputes with their insurance companies arising out of the insurer’s unreasonable failure to comply with their obligations under the terms of the insurance policy and pursuant to Nevada’s Unfair Claims Practices Act. Such claims can arise from the insurer’s bad faith handling of the claim or defense, delay or underpayment of claim or failure to defend a claim. Rose Law often represents clients in connection with the underlying personal injury claim (i.e. auto accidents, pedestrian accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, professional (medical/dental) malpractice and/or defective products) out of which the insurance disputes arise.
If you are involved in a dispute with your insurance company (auto, home, health, disability, commercial etc.) contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation.
What is Insurance Bad Faith?
Pursuant to Nevada law, implied in every insurance policy/contract is a duty of good faith and fair dealing. In other words, every insurance company owes their customers (insureds) a duty to treat them in good faith and to deal with them fairly. Stated differently, an insurance company must not act unreasonably toward their insured. An insurance company acts in bad faith when it breaches its duty of good faith and fair dealing owed to its insured.
The duty of good faith and fair dealing, along with Nevada’s Unfair Claims Practices Act, require your insurance company to, among other obligations, timely and appropriately adjust your valid claims, pay claims when the insurer’s liability has become reasonably clear, comply with insurance policy terms and, at a minimum, place its insured’s interests on equal footing with its own.
Unfortunately, most insurance companies’ goals are to delay, deny and underpay claims to increase the corporate coffers. Insurance companies know that if they wrongfully delay, deny or underpay 100 claims, only a very small percentage of those harmed by the wrongful conduct will take any action. It is all a numbers game. If the company can save $1,000,000 by wrongfully delaying, denying or underpaying 100 claims and only have to pay $100,000 to the 10 claimants who challenge their wrongful conduct, the company just made $900,000. The insurance companies know they can get away with this conduct, as people believe that their insurance company is there to protect them. Such is not the case!
If your insurance company has acted unreasonably toward you, whether in the processing of your claim or defending/indemnifying you on a claim against you, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the damages caused by the bad faith conduct.
Rose Law has successfully handled numerous insurance bad faith cases and knows how to protect you from your insurance company’s bad faith and other unlawful conduct. Contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation.
Why Hire an Experienced Insurance Bad Faith Lawyer?
Insurance bad faith law and cases can be very complex. Consequently, it is extremely important that you consult an attorney who understands insurance law and how they affect your claims. Rose Law has successfully handled to fruition multiple insurance bad faith cases for approximately 30 years. We have the knowledge and experience to pursue your insurance bad faith claim efficiently and effectively to recover the benefits to which you are entitled. Rose Law has handled bad faith claims arising from the following types of insurance policies:
- Homeowner’s Insurance
- Automobile Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Insurance
- Automobile Medical Payments Insurance
- Disability Insurance
- Commercial Trucking Insurance
- Life insurance
If you believe your insurance company has acted unreasonably or has failed to comply with the terms of your insurance policy, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation.
Delay, Deny and Underpay
Under both the Nevada Unfair Claims Practices Act and the duty of good faith and fair dealing, an insurance company is obligated to promptly and fully pay claims when its liability has become reasonably clear. When an insurer unreasonably denies or reduces the amount owed on a claim, the insured (i.e. policyholder) may have a basis for a legal action against the insurance company.
Unfortunately, in our experience, many insurance companies unreasonably delay, deny and underpay claims in breach of their obligations of good faith and fair dealing. For instance, many insurance adjusters will unreasonably demand that the insured provide unnecessary, irrelevant and duplicative documents, despite the insurer’s liability being reasonably clear and the insurer having the obligation to adjust the claim, not the insured. Such conduct is intended to delay and create baseless arguments to underpay the claim. If conduct such as this has occurred to you, you may have a possible insurance bad faith claim. Contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation to learn your rights.
Failure to Defend
In every liability insurance policy (i.e. auto, homeowners, trucking, commercial), there is a duty on the insurance company to defend its policy holder on any claims arising out of a covered loss. For instance, if you are in an accident that is a result of your negligence and injure another person, the injured party files a lawsuit against you for their injuries and damages. In such a case, your insurance company has a duty to defend you in that action and to indemnify you for any damages up to the policy limits. An insurance company’s unreasonable refusal to defend or pursuing issues or defenses that could compromise coverage under the policy could give rise to an insurance bad faith action.
Rose Law has helped numerous clients pursue insurance bad faith claims arising out of the insurance company’s breach of its duty to defend. Whether the insurance company has a duty to defend in a specific instance can involve complex and sophisticated legal considerations. Consequently, it is imperative that you hire an attorney with the knowledge and experience to properly evaluate those considerations.
Over the past approximately 30 years, Rose Law has dedicated significant time and resources pursuing insurance companies that have acted in bad faith and obtaining results for its clients who have been wrongfully deprived of the benefits of their insurance policy.
If you believe your insurance company has acted unreasonably, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation to learn your rights.
Bicycle Accidents

If you have been injured while riding your bike due to someone’s negligence, you may need the assistance of Rose Law. We have successfully handled numerous cases for bicyclists, whether having been hit by a vehicle or by another bicyclist.
Bicycle accidents are not to be taken casually. They can be just as dangerous or more dangerous than other roadway accidents due to the fact that the cyclist is usually the smaller mass involved in the accident. In many cases, these accidents occur without a warning.
There are barriers in a car to protect its occupants in the event of an accident. That’s not the case with a two-wheeler. Bicycle accidents can give you serious injuries and cause you financial devastation due to extreme medical bills and lost income due to an inability to work.
As we all know, the population of the Truckee Meadows (Reno/Sparks area) is rapidly growing. As a result, our streets are getting more crowded, leaving less room for cyclists and giving rise to more bicycle accidents. While Rose Law cannot turn back the clock and undo the accident, we can assist you in maximizing your financial recovery for the damages you have suffered due to the negligence of another.
If you have been injured in a bicycle accident as a result of the negligence of a third party, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Motorcycle Accidents

Most motorcycle vs. automobile accidents result in severe and substantial injuries to the motorcycle operator, as the motorcycle is almost always the small mass involved in the collision. Unfortunately, such accidents frequently occur due to a careless negligent motorist. When an auto, truck or commercial vehicle fails to signal at a turn, speeds, drive too fast for conditions, or simply fails to look for and yield to motorcycles, the consequences can be devastating for the motorcycle operator.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Animal Attacks

If you are the victim of an animal attack, such as a dog bite, that has left you with injuries, you may deserve compensation from the owner of the dog, the owner of the premises where the attack occurred, the landlord or some other potential party. Contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Animal attacks, especially dog bites, are a common occurrence. However, if the owner of the dog or premises is not cooperative, it can become a difficult complex legal situation in which you need an experienced attorney to assist you in maximizing your recovery. As your personal injury law firm, Rose Law handles your case from start to finish and makes sure that you get the right medical care and compensation for your injuries. We know these situations present unique life challenges. Consequently, our office staff is available to help whenever you need. We are just a phone call away to answer your questions and assist you with such issues as paying for your care and/or obtaining the appropriate care provider.
Rose Law has successfully handled numerous dog bite cases. It is critical to have an attorney that is experienced and understands dog bite cases and the applicable laws and statutes. At Rose Law, you will work directly with Sean Rose. He will not pass you off to a law clerk or a paralegal like other law firms. While you will work with his entire staff, your case will be handled and managed directly by Sean.
If you have been involved in an animal attack, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Premise Liability / Slip and Fall

Contrary to public opinion, a landowner is not liable for all injuries suffered by someone while on the property simply because they were on their property. Rather, the landowner is only liable if their negligent/careless/willful conduct caused or contributed to the injury. In Nevada, a landowner is liable for any injuries which are caused by a dangerous condition on their premises that the landowner knew or should have known existed.
Business/property owners and homeowners have a responsibility to provide a reasonably safe environment for anyone that enters their property. This is the law and falls under premises liability. Negligence on the landowner’s part may lead to slips or falls that cause serious personal injuries and damages.
Unfortunately, most people injured on someone else’s premises don’t know their rights. Rose Law knows what it takes to prove a premise liability case and can help you assess whether or not you have a case.
If you suspect that you have been injured due to dangerous conditions on a commercial or residential property, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Pedestrian Accidents

Every year, 75,000 Americans are killed or injured while navigating sidewalks, crosswalks and roadways by foot. If you or a family member are a victim of a pedestrian accident, Rose Law personal injury firm can help. Rose Law is experienced in helping accident victims maximize their recovery from the At-Fault party and maximize the amount of compensation that goes into their pockets. If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Many individuals cross a street as part of their daily routine. Children do it getting to school. Many do it on the way to work, when getting lunch or when heading home in the evening. Unfortunately, this simple act tragically ends in thousands of deaths and severe injuries in the United States every year. In the most recent statistics from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, there were 4,654 fatalities and another 70,000 injuries to pedestrians last year. Unfortunately, many of these deaths and injuries are the result of automobile operator’s negligence.
If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident as a result of the negligence of a third party, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and to assist you in maximizing your recovery.
Wrongful Death

According to auto accident statistics, every 12 minutes in the U.S. a person will die in an auto accident. These same statistics indicate that auto accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans 35 years of age and younger.
Rose Law provides proven representation for fatal accident cases. Under wrongful death law, family survivors are afforded the opportunity to seek legal resources when a loved one has been wrongfully killed, including compensation for their loved one’s pre-death pain and suffering. We understand that nothing can bring your loved one back and no amount of money can remotely fill the hole that has been left by your loss. However, filing a wrongful death claim may provide a measure of closure and potential financial compensation for the family members who have been left behind. If you have lost someone dear to you, Rose Law would be proud to offer you the compassionate support that you deserve and the trusted legal counsel that you need. We can help you properly file your wrongful death claim or lawsuit. Our office will help you maximize your recovery.
If you have lost a loved one in an auto, truck, motorcycle, airplane, heavy equipment accident, or due to some other cause, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation to learn your rights.
Nursing Home Injuries

Do you suspect that your loved one is a victim of nursing home elder abuse or neglect? There are several obvious signs of such abuse or neglect. Some of the telltale signs of abuse and neglect are:
Development of bed sores or decubitus ulcers. Most medical professional will tell you that bed sores do not occur in the absence of negligence.
- Suffered significant weight loss.
- Become dehydrated or malnourished.
- Fallen while in the care of another.
- Living in unsanitary conditions.
- Generally experiences a decline in their overall level of functioning.
If you notice any of these signs and feel that something just isn’t right, you should contact someone with expertise to help confirm if abuse has occurred. Such cases and the federal and state laws affecting the treatment of the elderly population can be very complex. Rose Law has handled numerous elder neglect and abuse cases and has the knowledge and experience to handle your case and protect your loved one.
If you or a loved one suspect neglect or abuse in a nursing home or by a care provider, contact Rose Law at (775) 777-7777 for a free no obligation consultation and assistance in maximizing your recovery.